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NLP Practitioner Level-2 (Beginners to Advance)

Super Advance NLP Master Practitioner (Beginners to Advance Level-2)

Instructor: Manmohan DuttLanguage: Hindi

About the course

NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) is the most authentic and the most effective Human Mind tool which has enormous power to solve a wide range of Human Mental and Emotional Issues. NLP is the most widely discussed subject in the world and least understood by the people. NLP help achieve health, happiness, and money through Inner Subconscious (10million times more powerful than conscious mind) Resources application.

NLP is the science of reproducing human excellence, bring change and transform your life. This online program will empower you to heal and Change psychosomatic Issues like- BP, sugar, immune disorder, pains, arthritis, asthma, stress, anxiety, depression, relationships, money and sabotaging patterns, and behaviors.

NLP Can help and Resolve

1.  You will be able to get rid of  the deep patterns of various diseases of  body like  insomnia, low confidence, poor passion for life,  BP, Sugar, Immunity issues, obesity, pain, migraine, asthma, cancer, acidity, sinus, etc

2. You can eliminate illusions and the  phobic experience. Excellent for students and teachers gain confidence.

3. Sports Professionals persons eliminate the references of their past failure and bad performance and enjoy their best ‘form’ in their performance.

4. Cricketers Get Peak Form. Couples enjoy their relationship

5. Entrepreneurs increase their effectiveness and business outcomes. Professionals enjoy better productivity by getting more aligned with their Identity, Values, Belief, Capability, and Behaviours.

Learn Self Healing Science from- Fear, Phobia, Anger, Stress, Anxiety, Depression, Past Painful Memories, Disinterest from studies/ work or life-partner, Past Failures, Addiction(Like Smoking, Alcohol, Tobacco, Eating Excessively, etc) and Obsessive Compulsive Behaviours (Like washing hands again and again or checking the lock a number of time, or sticking to one point).



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